~Our Mission is to equip Women believers to mature in faith and be fruitful~
Women's Ministry meets at Crossing Community Church on
Thursdays at 6:30 pm and Saturdays at 8:30 am
Women's Ministry
~Our Mission is to equip Women believers to mature in faith and be fruitful~
Women's Ministry meets at Crossing Community Church on
Thursdays at 6:30 pm and Saturdays at 8:30 am
Women's Ministry Studies
Thursday at 6:30 pm - room 103
Saturday at 8:30 am - Gathering Room
While always relying on the Word of God for direction and guidance our goal
is to provide the Women of Crossing Community Church a safe place to:
~mature in faith and deepen spiritual growth
~lift each other up in times of struggle
~have fellowship and develop friendships
~become disciples and prayer warriors
~invite others
Current Study
Future events for the Women's Ministry
Women's Ministry Workshop
"Wearing the Armor of God"
Saturday, April 5th - 9:00 am - 3:00 pm
Cost: $10 (Paid via cash, check or online HERE)
We will be serving our popular soup sampling luncheon, complete with delicious breads. (If you are interested in making your specialty soup or cookies to share, please contact Linda B. for details (262) 719-1080.
Remember to sign up! The sign up sheet is located under the TV in the Gathering Room. Please let us know how you paid and if you pay by cash/check place it in the offering bin in the Sanctuary CLEARLY labeled "Women's Ministry Workshop".
"Heart to Heart"
Begins: Monday, April 7th
The Women's Ministry would like to introduce a new monthly event. It is an opportunity for ALL women from our church to get together to encourage and lift each other up. Bring your questions! We will gather around a question or two each month and discuss in depth what's on our minds. We will bring them to God together and share from our own experiences.
We will meet on the FIRST MONDAY evening of each month from 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm at Panera Bread in Delafield @ 3200 Golf Road.
4-week Prayer Study
This 4-week study will be led by Jody Kanters and will meet in room 103.
Starting: Thursday, April 10th or Saturday, April 12th
Ending: Thursday, May 8th or Saturday, May 10th.
Thursday Evenings in room 103 from 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm
No sign up needed and no cost.
Spring Fling
All ladies are invited to tour Ten Chimneys, the National Historic Landmark, right here in Genesee Depot.
Saturday; May 17th. Our tour will begin at 9:30 am.
We have secured a private tour for our group to view the estate and grounds.
Tickets are $35 per person up to 30 persons, if over 30 persons the cost will be $30.
After the tour we will meet at a restaurant to continue fellowship with lunch. (ordering off the menu with separate checks) Details on place and time will be available closer to the date of the event.
Sign up for this event under the TV in the Gathering Room. Payment and sign up due by May 4th! Paying with cash/check - place in an envelope in the offering bin clearly marked "Women's Ministry Spring Fling" or you can pay online HERE.
If you are only joining for lunch sign up due by May 11th.
Community Service
The Women's Ministry is sponsoring a service project open to ALL MEN AND WOMEN of CCC.
Wednesday, July 2nd from 11:15 am - 1:30 pm
We will be helping the kitchen and serving lunch for the clients of Hope Center in downtown Waukesha.
Please sign up under the TV in the Gathering Room if you are interested in serving project.
Annual Kayak Event
Coming this summer... details soon.
Call Charlotte with any questions: (262) 719-7993
Women's Ministry Retreat
Friday, September 12th - Sunday, September 14th