Men of Iron

Wednesday mornings from 6:30 to 8:00 AM
Meetings are at Crossing Community Church
All Men are welcome.

Wednesday Morning Study

Since October 7, 2020 we have been spending time every Wednesday morning going deeper into the Word that comes from the Sunday sermon. 

If you weren’t able to attend Church Sunday morning, visit the Church  YouTube and give a listen. 

Additionally, Pastor Jay puts out a Podcast once or twice a week as a supplement to the Sermon. 

Come ready to dig deep into God’s Word!


Men's Breakfast

All men welcome. 

Join us every 2nd Saturday of the month for fellowship, food and a special devotion. Doors open at 7:00 am and located in the Gathering Room. Sign up for upcoming breakfast in the Gathering Room under the TV.

Tentative Future Dates:

March 8th

April 12th

May 10th

June 14th

July 12th

August 9th

September 13th

October 11th

November 8th

December 13th