Kid's Crossing - Kid's Ministry (Sunday)

At Kids Crossing Children’s Ministry we believe in Proverbs 22:6 – “Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.” Our ministry is here to support children and their parents in becoming more knowledgeable and fruitful followers of Jesus.

Wee Crossing
Birth to Kindergarten

In Wee Crossing, we use fun songs, lessons, and crafts to teach the children truths from the Bible. Wee Crossing uses the Generations of Grace curriculum that provides a 3 year in-depth journey through the Bible that can be geared toward any age child. The lessons taught in Wee Crossing coordinate with the lessons the older children are learning. Our ministry strives to create an environment that our littlest ones will enjoy spending time in while also guiding them to learn about Jesus and desire a relationship with Him.

Kids Crossing
1st to 6th graders

Our 1st through 6th graders get to enjoy worship as a family with their parents in the sanctuary before being dismissed down to the Kids Crossing area. Kids Crossing uses Generations of Grace curriculum. This curriculum provides a 3 year in-depth journey chronologically through the Bible. Each week we focus on a central truth with an accompanying key scripture from the section of the Bible we are studying. There are puzzles, worksheets, and crafts to accompany each lesson and reinforce what was learned in a fun way.

Generations of Grace also provides an accompanying Family Devotional Guide that provides five days of devotionals that dig deeper into the concepts discussed during the Sunday lesson. The daily devotionals tie the Sunday lesson to other sections of the Bible for a more thorough understanding. These devotionals make it easy for entire family to be able to study the Bible together.

Cheryl Touchstone - 

Children's Ministry Coordinator

Our leaders are very dedicated to training up children in the Lord and supporting the training that parents are doing in the home. 

Please feel free to reach out with questions or concerns.